Rev Richard Braun
Author, speaker, small group leader
As mid-west farm boy, one of eight children, I grew up where stability and connectedness were cornerstones of our traditional family and community. I like leading small groups, preaching, speaking, and traveling. I'm also an avid walker, (2,550 Mi/Yr) reader, and busy amateur photographer. I earned a BSME over ten years while working as a machinist. I started a software development company in my thirties. Twenty-five years later, I received my M.Div. and was called into Lutheran ministry. I reside with my wife of 55 years in the cold north and have two adult children and two grandchildren. I'm now retired. I have not arrived; I don't believe we ever reach perfection; humans are imperfect, but we're always stretching for that goal in the life to come.
Small Group Materials
Selena's photos
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